Nullifying Newton (911 Investigator 1.1)
Nullifying Newton: Official Story Violates Laws of Physics / High School Physics Teacher Corrects NIST
- from 911 Investigator 1.1
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) maintained in its August 2008 Final Draft Report, and the associated technical briefing, that WTC Building 7 took 40% longer to collapse than if it had been in freefall.
NIST Project Leader Shyam Sunder explained that WTC 7 could not have come down in free-fall, because there was resistance to the fall provided by the steel structure underneath. But a determined high school physics teacher in central California, David Chandler, demonstrated that NIST was using fraudulently manipulated data to try to show a slower rate of collapse.
- WTC Building 7 in Free-fall
NIST, when confronted publicly with evidence produced by Chandler, finally admitted in its November 2008 Final Report that WTC 7 fell for 2.25 seconds in free-fall, but they brushed off this newly acknowledged fact as being "consistent with the results of the global collapse analysis," despite Sunder's earlier statement. Thus, the NIST Simulation and analysis represented a multi-million-dollar effort to avoid explaining what really happened.
Many other physics analyses are presented by Chandler on his website, applying the laws of physics to WTC 7 and the Twin Towers. For a more detailed account of the unexplained features of the destruction